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A River's Tale : Cambodia
A River's Tale : Cambodia

Gareth Bright

Photojournale : Photo documentary and photo journal stories from around the world

Bio: Joanna Maclennan

Joanna Maclennan, born in the UK but now based in the south of France, is a self-taught photographer, mainly working in Interiors for magazines all over the world, including The Telegraph magazine, World of Interiors, Elle Decoration and House & Garden. Joanna works predominately in film - using natural lighting only - with a Hasselblad camera. In her work, she loves exploring the memory and history of people and places. With this in mind, she is looking to diversify her portfolio with an upcoming project based on her recent experiences in Macedonia.

Joanna was a participant in the Fez Photography Workshop run in Fez , Morocco by John Horniblow and David Bathgate

Featured Photographers

John Horniblow
Lisa Hogben
Daniel Kaifer
Igor Sherman
Steve Cook
Stephane Lehr
Alfonso de Castro
Agnieszka Balut
Michael Fox
Hes Mundt
Alfredo Muñoz de Oliveira
Jamie Bailey
Jiri Tondl
Oliver Dietze
Terrasita Chavarria
Kahtan Alamery
Arya Kazemi
Alexander von Spreti
Jan Beikens
Nicolas Alexrod
Ze'sopol Carlito Caminha
David Bathgate
Tanya Habjouqa
Kimberly Bryant
Matilde Gattoni
Chiara Ceolin
Arko Datto
Chhandak Pradhan
GMB Akash
Vinit Gupta
Andrea Russo
Ananda Banerjee
Federico Peltretti
Debasish Aich
Agata Pietron
Noel Criado
Ivan Aleksic
Tudla Productions
Moonstar Simanjuntuk
Tifas VH
Josef Tornick
Joanna Maclennan

Jonas Hastings
Walter Gaya
Petr Antonov
Morgan Hagar
Sam Bienstock
Hanggan Sitmorang
Ouria Tadmor
Howie Grapek
Greg Fanslow
Jonathan Taylor
Ayden Metev
Jeroen Leonhard
Gabriela Buliosva
Amir Hossein Mahmoodi
Jaime Carrero
Jeryc Garcia
Victoria Herranz
Mike Sanchez
Santanu Chakrabati
Dan Iver Aldas
Udit Kulshrestha
Noria Adel
Md. Akhlas Uddin
Rohit Gautam
Monirul Alam
Fabian Weiß
Benno Neelman
Sagnik Datta
Natxa Pomar
Kristian Bertel
Shib Shankar Chatterjee
Radule Perisic
Marco Ambrosi
Shamshahrin Shamsudin
Santa Istvan Csaba
Nariman Ansari
Dries Anthoni
James Helmer
Swoan Parker
Dr James Muecke

Tacitus Bond
Feli di Giorgio
Tyler Freeman Smith
Pedro Tzontemoc
Erica McDonald
Bea Ahbeck
Ferenc Mihalicz
Ben Milpas
Stefanos Kouratzis
Paulos Santos
Saeed Faraji
Tashi Tobygal
Jeff Chouw
Patricio Valenzuela Hohmann
Mahdi Farsi
John Hulme
Joaquin Gomez Sastre
Kathan Almery
Savario Serravezza
Anamitra Chakladar
Charles Gatewood
Afriadi Hikmal
Michael Biach
Michael A Shapiro
Franck Baumann
Alex Aubin
Marta Ze
Edy Susanto
Vincenzo Floramo
Paolo Patruno
Doug Gordon Morton
Dev Gogoi
Tobin Jones
Gianfranco Spatola
Ayush Ranka
Jashim Salam
Jayati Saha
Sandip Debnath
Guillermo Castillo
Rahman Roslan
Matthew Van Saun
Ingetje Tadros




Amir Hossein Mahmoodi
Dar Yasin
Soliman Lawrence
Ertugrul Kilic
Peter Calvin
Alex Massi
Erik Messori
Lara Wechler
Stephen Uhraney
Dragan Matic
Ertugrul Krilic
Paulo Santos
Thodoris Tzalavras
Yaniv Navdav
Milos Djuric
Bruno Guerra
Angelo Cuissi
Will Seberger
Gireesh GV
Alicia Sangiuliano
Gulbin Ozdamar Akarcay
Shiju S Basheer
Majid Saeedi
Jake Simkin
Sophie Forbes
Shuchi Kapoor - (Girl in the Galli)
Donal Husni
Vlad Sokhin
Fernando Mendes
Saransh Sehgal
Kasandra Antoine
Gary Dwight Miller
Nino Pillitteri
Peter Barwick
Ronny Sen
Joaquin Gomez Sastre
Imran Ahmed
Brice Richards
Erdem Yirmibes
Supian Ahmad
Bob Warland


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Documentary Photographers