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Saransh Sehgal

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The Pashtun Burkah woman
The Pashtun Burkah woman

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The Pashtun Burkah woman
Description: The burqah is named after 'shuttlecocks' used in badminton since they are quite similar in design. These are most visible in western media as the most immediate stereotype of the Pakistani woman. These women are mostly illiterate, and live in highly male-dominated societies. These burqahs are mostly used by Pashtun women belonging to the northern areas since the men are quite obsessed with 'honour' and women are viewed as part and parcel of that. These women have seen the same attitudes in their grandmothers, and mothers, and are quite used to the idea of covering themselves. It is a cultural boundary that forces them to wear this. Even when they move to cities, they keep wearing these burqahs since they are fearful of dishonouring their families.

Keywords: pakistan, burkah, women, self-portrait
Date: 21.08.2010 09:02
Hits: 34079
Downloads: 0
Rating: 5.00 (4 Vote(s))
File size: 67.9 KB
Added by: Nariman Ansari

Caption: The burqah is named after 'shuttlecocks' used in badminton since they are quite similar in design. These are most visible in western media as the most immediate stereotype of the Pakistani woman. These women are mostly illiterate, and live in highly male-dominated societies. These burqahs are mostly used by Pakhtun women belonging to the northern areas since the men are quite obsessed with 'honour' and women are viewed as part and parcel of that. These women have seen the same attitudes in their grandmothers, and mothers, and are quite used to the idea of covering themselves. It is a cultural boundary that forces them to wear this. Even when they move to cities, they keep wearing these burqahs since they are fearful of dishonouring their families.
Caption writer: Nariman Ansari
Byline: Nariman Ansari
Object name: The Shuttlecock Burqah woman
Keywords: nariman ansari, pakistan, pashtun, women, self portraits


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