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Gazi Nafis Ahmed

Kabul Nights

Car headlights struggle through the dense city traffic, slowed by nearing fenders, bumpers and darting pedestrians. Bakeries and fruit stands come alight. Vendors of all kinds display their wares. On the sidewalks and streets, beggars and boys selling colourful balloons try their luck. In tea houses and cafes, young and old socialise, while others - families - gather at home. A final call to prayer scratches from loudspeakers about the city, past bodies of addicts, warming by fires in the dirt. In this dusty urban darkness all are nearly the same - sharing hours of a Kabul City night.

"Kabul Nights" was produced by 10 young, aspiring Afghan photographers for an Afghanistan Photographers Association (APA) photojournalism workshop led by trainers, David Bathgate and Farzana Wahidy. Student photographers included: Ishaq Ali Anis (Kabul), Azizullah Azizyar (Kabul), Mohammad Anwar Danishyar (Nangarhar), Mohammad Aref Karimi (Herat), Zahra Khodadadi (Kabul), Barialai Khoshhal (Kandahar), Ajmal Omari (Baghlan), Tahmina Saleem (Kabul), Muhammad Naseer Turkmani (Parwan) (Hits: 190294)

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Found: 16 image(s) on 2 page(s). Displayed: image 1 to 12.

Kabul City (David Bathgate)
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Kabul Nights
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Kabul City Taxi Driver (David Bathgate)
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Kabul Nights
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Kabul City Traffic (David Bathgate)
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Kabul Nights
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Kabul Restaurant (David Bathgate)
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Kabul Nights
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Kabul Family with Internet (David Bathgate)
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Kabul Nights
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Street Beggars (David Bathgate)
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Kabul Nights
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Kabul Fish Vendor (David Bathgate)
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Kabul Nights
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Modern Cafe Life (David Bathgate)
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Kabul Nights
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Final Evening Prayer (David Bathgate)
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Kabul Nights
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Addicts on the Street (David Bathgate)
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Kabul Nights
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Boxing Workout (David Bathgate)
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Kabul Nights
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Street Celebration (David Bathgate)
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Kabul Nights
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