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Arthritic hand
Arthritic hand
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Stephen Uhraney

From the streets of Hyderabad : India

Street Photography from Hyderabad

"Being not originated from Hyderabad explores my love-hate relationship with the city of Hyderabad. Though being originally from Eastern part of India It was completely different setup for me when I first landed up in Hyderabad. Now after spending almost half a decade in this city it's just like my second home. I just loved the amalgamation of old (never-fading Muslim aura and culture)and new (modern, urban landscape) the city offers for any photographer to capture it's essence. To say that I found the city of Hyderabad to be full of street-stories would be an understatement. Every nook and corner of the street presented before me a life of its own, with lots of shades n characters. I have tried my best to capture the essence for you."
Photo documentary by Swarat Ghosh (Hits: 183793)

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Found: 10 image(s) on 1 page(s). Displayed: image 1 to 10.

Pouring over (Swarat Ghosh)
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From the streets of Hyderabad : India

Playing Hard (Swarat Ghosh)
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From the streets of Hyderabad : India

Excursion to Golconda (Swarat Ghosh)
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From the streets of Hyderabad : India

Bliss (Swarat Ghosh)
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From the streets of Hyderabad : India

Hustle and bustle (Swarat Ghosh)
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From the streets of Hyderabad : India

Charminar and People (Swarat Ghosh)
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From the streets of Hyderabad : India

Faces (Swarat Ghosh)
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From the streets of Hyderabad : India

Bonalu (Swarat Ghosh)
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From the streets of Hyderabad : India

Makeup (Swarat Ghosh)
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From the streets of Hyderabad : India

Daily Life (Swarat Ghosh)
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From the streets of Hyderabad : India


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Documentary Photographers