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Gianfranco Spatola

Hermanos en el Camino | Brothers along the Road - Central American Migrants in Mexico

El defensor de los derechos de los migrantes Jos? Alberto Donis se encuentra en peligro luego de haber recibido amenazas de muerte. Jos? Alberto Donis trabaja en el hogar "Hermanos en el camino" en Ciudad Ixtepec, Estado de Oaxaca, M?xico. Amnist?a Internacional ha emitido una Acci?n Urgente a favor de Jos? Alberto Donis y de sus compa?eros, incluyendo al director del hogar, el Padre Alejandro Solalinde. Amnist?a Internacional urge a las autoridades a proveer protecci?n al personal del hogar y a investigar los hechos. La Acci?n Urgente puede encontrarse aqu?: <>

Este es un reportaje realizado en el a?o 2008, cuando Jos? Alberto Donis acababa de llegar al Albergue "Hermanos en el camino". A trav?s de testimonios in situ pretende dar a conocer un punto del largo y clandestino camino que recorren miles de personas cada d?a, totalmente desprotegidas, huyendo de una realidad que pone a prueba su instinto de supervivencia. Un camino que tiene su origen en las calles de ciudades y pueblos de Rep?blica Dominicana, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador o Guatemala, y que nos conduce hasta la puerta del albergue del Padre Solalinde en Ixtepec, Oaxaca.

As the defender of the migrant rights Jose Alberto Donis is in danger of his life after having received death threats from a gang operating in Oaxaca, southern Mexico. Jose Alberto Donis works in the home " Brothers along the Road" in Ixtepec City, Oaxaca providing shelter for the illegal immigrants as they travel north though Mexico. In the past month Amnesty International has announced an Urgent Action in support of Jose Alberto Donis and of his companions, including the director of the home, Father Alexander Solalinde, urging the police authorities to provide protection to the personnel at the home.
Jose Alberto Donis and his companions provide support for some of the thousands of clandestine immigrants that cross into Mexico every day, totally unprotected, fleeing from a reality that manifests as an instinct for survival. A way of life that has its origins in the streets of cities and towns of Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador or Guatemala, and that leads to the door of the shelter of Father Solalinde in Ixtepec, Oaxaca.

Photo documentary / photo journal story by Spanish photographer Noel Criado. (Hits: 250677)

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Hermanos en el camino_01 (Noel Criado)
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Hermanos en el Camino | Brothers along the Road - Central American Migrants in Mexico
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Hermanos en el camino_02 (Noel Criado)
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Hermanos en el Camino | Brothers along the Road - Central American Migrants in Mexico
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Hermanos en el camino_03 (Noel Criado)
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Hermanos en el Camino | Brothers along the Road - Central American Migrants in Mexico
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Hermanos en el camino_04 (Noel Criado)
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Hermanos en el Camino | Brothers along the Road - Central American Migrants in Mexico
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Hermanos en el camino_05 (Noel Criado)
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Hermanos en el Camino | Brothers along the Road - Central American Migrants in Mexico
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Hermanos en el camino_06 (Noel Criado)
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Hermanos en el Camino | Brothers along the Road - Central American Migrants in Mexico
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Hermanos en el camino_07 (Noel Criado)
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Hermanos en el Camino | Brothers along the Road - Central American Migrants in Mexico
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Hermanos en el camino_08 (Noel Criado)
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Hermanos en el Camino | Brothers along the Road - Central American Migrants in Mexico
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Hermanos en el camino_09 (Noel Criado)
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Hermanos en el Camino | Brothers along the Road - Central American Migrants in Mexico
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Hermanos en el camino_10 (Noel Criado)
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Hermanos en el Camino | Brothers along the Road - Central American Migrants in Mexico
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Hermanos en el camino_11 (Noel Criado)
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Hermanos en el Camino | Brothers along the Road - Central American Migrants in Mexico
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Hermanos en el camino_12 (Noel Criado)
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Hermanos en el Camino | Brothers along the Road - Central American Migrants in Mexico
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