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Abdellah Azizi

Travel Notes of the Middle East | Egypt, Jordan, Israel and Palestine

The song of the sirens again diverted my path to another direction: the Middle East. Not accustomed to listening to the advice of Odysseus undertook the trip without wax in the ears that Tie with string or anywhere ...
Without prior plan, without even having the desired program or a conscious, this trip was to develop the rhythm of the pulse of the mood of excitement and fatigue. Step after step was setting the path in two directions, both toward the discovery, the external and internal factors.
Once again the picture was just a journey, not the engine of the same, ie cause and effect as a way of life and surrender to life experience, the encounter with the world which is nothing the encounter with oneself. Photography as a candle that gives direction to the destination of the sailing boat, a sailboat with no mast to avoid the temptation to tie it.
The physical outcome of this exposure and experience is a scar on his right knee. The experimental result was not quantifiable, that can only be measured in qualitative terms, which are usually decoded later years, once the emotion of the moment has been left behind to make way for the reconfiguration of the self. Therefore you can only talk about what's up now, a set of images with the rescue and attempt to translate the passion of the moment they were taken. An attempt to reconstruct the path traced by the intuition that, as a compass guided us in finding the meeting.
This new portfolio collection of travel notes, now Egypt, Jordan, Israel and Palestine tours from March to May 1997. Processing new experiences, fleeting encounters with beings that I have never been nor will be, because you always different. Notes are finally on the road to Pebbly Hansel and Gretel have to lead my life, a journey that constantly shows itself with the dual quality of being unbreakable.
Finally, the photograph as the last contact between freedom and the need to transmit what precarious yet we are, what we no longer more.
Photo documentary story / Photojournal by Mexican photographer Pedro Tzont?moc (Hits: 177648)

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Found: 20 image(s) on 2 page(s). Displayed: image 1 to 12.

Luxor, Egypt (Pedro Tzontemoc)
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Travel Notes of the Middle East | Egypt, Jordan, Israel and Palestine
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Luxor, Egypt (Pedro Tzontemoc)
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Travel Notes of the Middle East | Egypt, Jordan, Israel and Palestine
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River Nile, Egypt (Pedro Tzontemoc)
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Travel Notes of the Middle East | Egypt, Jordan, Israel and Palestine
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Luxor, Egypt (Pedro Tzontemoc)
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Travel Notes of the Middle East | Egypt, Jordan, Israel and Palestine
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River Nile, Egypt (Pedro Tzontemoc)
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Travel Notes of the Middle East | Egypt, Jordan, Israel and Palestine
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Festival in Luxor, Egypt (Pedro Tzontemoc)
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Travel Notes of the Middle East | Egypt, Jordan, Israel and Palestine
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Musicians in Luxor, Egypt (Pedro Tzontemoc)
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Travel Notes of the Middle East | Egypt, Jordan, Israel and Palestine
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Egyptian temple (Pedro Tzontemoc)
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Travel Notes of the Middle East | Egypt, Jordan, Israel and Palestine
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Egyptian temple outdoor (Pedro Tzontemoc)
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Travel Notes of the Middle East | Egypt, Jordan, Israel and Palestine
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Desert Woman, Egypt (Pedro Tzontemoc)
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Travel Notes of the Middle East | Egypt, Jordan, Israel and Palestine
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Traces of blood. Luxor, Egypt (Pedro Tzontemoc)
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Travel Notes of the Middle East | Egypt, Jordan, Israel and Palestine
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Petra, Jordan (Pedro Tzontemoc)
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Travel Notes of the Middle East | Egypt, Jordan, Israel and Palestine
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